Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sweet October

 There really is nothing finer than Autumn in New York...
that is of course if you are indeed a New Yorker.  The bounty
of this beautiful season in all of its glory, is very, very sweet, 
as you can see by these glorious apples.
Now, don't they just look HAPPY?
   And they all seemed to be just calling out...
And that's just what we did...pick, pick, eat, eat, pick!!!
  It was a fantastic day!


  1. it's so fun to go apple picking....even fun-er to eat the pickin's!!

  2. When I was a child we lived not too far from a farming area where it was so cold they grew apples. It was a bitter place. I went back a few years ago and found that they now grow wine grapes and berries as well. Oh, such a cold place. Granite. Sleet. Fireplaces. I am happy to stick with my tropical paradise. It is not cold enough here to grow pineapples, although it is quite mild and pleasant.

  3. I love the honey crisp apples that come out in the fall.

  4. You do have apples to make the Hard Cider Sangria! Beautiful, fresh apples. Thanks so much for coming by to see us on BeBetsy! Great blog! All the best ~ Sharon and Denise
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