Friday, October 4, 2013

October Skies

Sassafras Tree
Friday ramblings for Random 5 Friday with Nancy at A Rural Journal.

1.  Now that the hot days of summer are rolling quite nicely into this beautiful season of Autumn, it is time to get out the yarn and start knitting.  And I can knit a scarf a mile long...but nothing else!
2.  I am making my way through the giant bushel of apples that we picked last weekend.  Apple pie, apple crisp...haven't made it to the applesauce just yet.  And of course, everyone has one to munch on for an afternoon snack.
3.  My altered book Art Journal Hop is quite an undertaking with 10 participants.  Looks like we will be working through the winter to complete the project.  Sneak Peak here
4.  I think it's a grand day to be out and about to enjoy the beautiful views and terrific temps.  High 70's.  And it won't be like that for long!
5.  I am going to snap the changing progress of colors of this view of the ridge.  It won't be long now before the whole ridge is aflame with color.  And the air is crisp and clean! I love the fall and all of its beauty and bounty.  Get out there and enjoy it wherever you are!!!


  1. Isn't Fall the best???
    LOL ..... I used to have a 6ft scarf!!!! Your comment about a mile long scarf made me laugh.
    I LOVE apples .... but funny thing is, I don't like apple pie!!!!
    Have a crisp weekend.

  2. I am looking forward to seeing the changing ridge colors. What a great series of photos it will be.

    Cooler weather...maybe next month here.

  3. Awesome photos. Funny that is what I seem to be heading for a very long scarf how do you stop?:) B

  4. The apples look delicious...I think I need to get out to the orchard and get some. I am going to try to enjoy every minute of the fall season.

  5. Really like your sassafras tree shot. The pop of red leaves is gorgeous. Stopping by from Photo Art Friday.

  6. Beautiful shots! Such a pretty time of year.

  7. Beautiful shots! Such a pretty time of year.

  8. looking forward to seeing your photo series of the ridge~!
    all of these shots are beautiful and remind me of what i love about fall.


    p.s. my favorite way to eat apple pie: with a warm caramel sauce drizzled over the top . . . just decadent.

  9. I can't even knit a scarf so I think you're doing great!

  10. Such beautiful fall pictures. Don't you just love Fall????

  11. I've never seen a Sassafras tree before. - What colorful leaves.
    I love Autumn and your shot of the Silo and hillside is beautiful. Can't wait to see more views as the seasons change. Now I'm in the mood for Apple Crisp.

  12. Such beautiful photos - Then, i started following your links and - had a fabulous time - seeing beautiful journal pages, meeting artists, bookmarking ideas . . . you've taken me to a beautiful, new world.
    Thank You! love & love to YOU!!!

  13. Hello there
    How's the scarf coming along, is it a mile long yet?
    You have beautiful photographs, love the pink pot plant together with the pumpkins, a great combination.
    Have a great week

  14. Nothing says FALL like foliage and blue skies! And the colors of your autumn are brilliant!

  15. Lovely bright and colorful photos!

  16. Quintessential Autumn skies and foliage. Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing with Photo Art Friday.

  17. Gorgeous photos ... and if those apples were within my grasp I would pluck it right off that tree! Thank you for visiting my blog ... and yes, lets hope for Autumn glory all October long.

  18. A beautiful day indeed, and great autumn shots.

  19. Thank you for stopping by Photo Adventure today. I love all of your fall photographs.

  20. Oh I cannot for the life of me stay inside to long this time of year good advice get out and enjoy. Scarf a mile long oh that I understand I don't know how to stop yet:) Love your shots. B
