Friday, October 25, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside

Soy Candle Making
1.  I went to a Soy Candle Making party yesterday for the 2nd time with a great group of gal pals.  They smell fantastic, and add a nice glow to the season now that the first frost has arrived.

2.  It won't be long now before the pond geese take to the sky.
 3.  Autumn is coming to a close here in the northeast, and it makes me sad because it is/was so beautiful.  Just not ready for the dreaded "s" word.  And it sure is cold enough out there today.

4.  I made an Autumn collage on my desk!  I LOVE IT!  Complete with the tiny bird nest that blew down to land at my feet as I was passing by.
5.  Yes, the Universe continues its glorious and beautiful dialogue with me, and I am very happy to get out there and take part.  The sounds of the rustling leaves and the scurrying of the squirrels and chipmunks as they prepare their winter nests gives me peace.  I am happy!
Chipmunk of Two Crow Cottage
Linking up here for Random 5 Friday and Friday Fences.  Stop by to say "HI!


  1. What a lovely fall fence sharing. On the first fence, it appears the ducks on sitting on the fence.

  2. Those autumn pictures look so beautiful!

  3. I am typing with one hand so I can alternate keeping one in my pocket. Because I am on the screenporch. Because I am not willing to let go of Autumn just yet, even if I cannot feel my feet at the moment.

  4. The colors of your candles are so pretty. I think it would be fun to make candles. I love your collage. That is my kind of autumn decorating. Lovely.

  5. what a GREAT fence shot! :) also like the chippy. don't get to see them here.

  6. Oh I love your desk collage with he birds nest. Oh I love Fall but winter which I used to dread every year has turned into something I love since I was given a pair of snowshoes. Nature all year long makes me happy. I am glad you are happy your post made me happy. Great shots. B

  7. Beautiful photos and I love your fall collection on your desk. Pamela

  8. Love the first shot...looking through the fence1

  9. Your collage is a pretty tribute to autumn. I have s--- on the ground but don't mind. I like the shot of the geese through the fence.

  10. I love your autumn collage...I love autumn period!

  11. Beautiful photos. Love the cornucopia.

  12. I love your photos with this week's Random 5!!!! Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!
    I am dreading Autumn leaving us and Winter arriving!
    I am not a fan of the "s" word!!!!!

  13. I just love burning candles this time of year -- how neat you are making your own!

  14. Thank you for your kind comment!! And I love that collage! You are so lucky, with that bird nest!!

  15. Yes, those geese will soon take to the skies, leaving those fences far, far behind!

    Absent Fence Post

  16. A cute little chipper. They are scurrying all over here these days.
