Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog Party

match box drawers
bead feet
My name is Vicki, aka hula~la in blogland, and I am very happy to be joining Vicki @ 2 Bags Full for this terrific Blog Party event for the 2nd time.  And it is the perfect winter event to attend while wrapped up in all the warm wooly knits I can fit on this body and still move, all while sitting in front of a roaring fire here in the Northeast United States where it is extremely frigid!

Journal Give-Away below!!!

"You're My Thrill"
With lots of pockets and tags...
I am a book lover, reader, collector, re-purposer of the discards, hence the name of my blog.  A library geek myself, (also attributing to the naming of my blog) I find many treasures at the used book sale, some headed for recycling, and some straight for the dreaded trash...which pains me. Those are the ones I try to rescue, for they call out to me and beg for a 2nd chance.  And that is how I started making "Altered Books". Giving old discarded books a whole new adventurous one, full of PASSION!   These are some of my early treasures...Enjoy!  

Keepsake Treasure Bookbox
This week I hit the mother lode at the library "dump" with a box of Reader's Digest Condensed Books...the old ones with the marvelous covers.  I rescued the entire box from the recycling pile sitting out on the porch in the snow/ice storm in the bitter cold  and could hardly wait to dive in.  For these discards will become journals with brand new pages, using some of the beautifully colored front and back pages from each book.
Gorgeous, rich colorful end pages.
Punch a few holes, (sometimes I like to mix and match the covers) snag some papers, add a few book binder rings, dress it up if you like, and
A Personal Journal just waiting for a passionate pen...
This one is up for grabs if you leave your name and contact info 
             in the comments.  Drawing to be held on Feb. 15th.  
          Aloha and thank you for stopping by!  Enjoy the party!

Thank you Vicki for hosting another great gig!


  1. I so love how u give new life to the discarded! Beautiful :)

  2. Your creations never fail to amaze me! Enjoy the party :)

  3. Vicki, you are one creative clever lady, wishing you a fun weekend of new followers. Thanks for visiting me!
    Wren x

  4. So glad you dropped by, leading me here! I hate to see old books in antique stores, too...I also have a real soft spot for old photos - sigh! I admire the "paper" gals...I have a friend who dabbles in the paper arts, too - it's all so beautiful! Glad to have found your blog - happy Saturday, Vicki! Tanya

  5. you are super creative. i love all the goodies you used to put it all together. so fun!! you have a wonderful weekend. & thank you, thank you for all your sweet & perfect comments you leave me. it warms my heart, toes & everything in between. (giggles.) so perfect!! ( :

  6. You hit the jackpot with those covers.

  7. Good morning, Vicki. I am so happy that you rescue the used/discarded books. Your creative touches are beautiful. Hope you have a great weekend at the GYB party. See you soon!

  8. Hey Vicki! Oh man....I remember those Readers Digests and their amazing covers. I love them and what a creative craft...(slapping my forehead) wish I'd thought of that! Hope you enjoy the party my friend!

  9. I have become a follower I am also a reader and have been all my life. What beautiful work you have done on the journals. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  10. Another commenter said it perfectly... Wonderful how you give new life, to discards. A sweet thought, really.

    I'd love to win that lovely Journal. Thank you for the possibility. My email address in on my Profile Page.


  11. You are very talented and creative. I would love to win one of your lovely journals.

  12. Hi! Found you via Grow Your Blog and glad I did.... I also love journals and paper arts! I look forward to spending time here and seeing some of your gorgeous projects!

  13. Hello Vicki and welcome to the GYB Party!! I am Shannon, one of Vicky's volunteers for this event just coming around to help check out everyone's blogs:) Hope you have a fun time at the 'Party'!!!

  14. Am visiting from Grow Your Blog party, and just LOVE your repurposed journals. Journaling is one of my real PASSIONS, and i have a whole bookcase full. Yours look fascinating. Will be back to visit, and will join in so I can follow your regularly. Have fun at the party, and will look forward to seeing your projects.

  15. Hi Vicki! Thanks for visiting my blog, now I am introduced to you, I'm so excited to find someone doing the book rescuing you're doing! What a find! Love that you've rescued some amazing books. Yep, I remember the Reader's Digest condensed books. And would make amazing covers, end pages and all! I'd love to see one filled with lovely 140 pound hot pressed watercolor paper! I'm a member now! hugs, Chris

  16. Hi Vicki-thanks for visiting my blog. I am so glad you did because I love love to read. Always have from a tiny kid on up. I have one of the first Kindles which I still use but there is nothing like a book. The smell, the feel! just love it. Anyway i'm glad I found you because I love that you alter old books. Would love to have one. Hugs, Dawn

  17. I LOVE words and everything that makes them possible. Journals make me warm inside. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to jot a few lines of the story I've been brewing and let it simmer in my favorite journal.

    It is very good to meet you here. I'm excited to see the rest of your creations.

    Please add my name to the giveaway (by the way, I'm giving away some books). My email is magalyguerrero(AT)live(DOT)com. And here is the link to my Grow Your Blog post:

  18. Hello Vicki! Thank you for visiting my blog. You made so beautiful things with books.

  19. Oh my goodness! You are truly gifted! I love, love, LOVE books and can't stand to see them destroyed or thrown away! The book burning scene in The Book Thief movie was hard to watch.:( I'm a library addict, too, and can't seem to read enough books. Help! lol! Lori Do stop by as I have a great giveaway on my blog for the Grow Your Blog party. Books and Starbucks anyone?;)

  20. Just popped over for the party and the comment you left on my blog. Thanks for stopping by. What a great idea and way to recycle old books! I love it! Have fun at the party! :-D

  21. How fun! I popped about to other posts and noticed you are probably not too far from where I grew up. :) My DH and I are in New England these days and I have to agree that it had been C-O-L-D these last few days. Thanks for the inspiration & be sure to stop by my blog for a giveaway! :)

  22. It's amazing what you can pick up. LOVE the way you recycle these books. Inspiring.

  23. beautiful journals! I love the idea of repurposing old books. love books and journals, too. and what a treasure with those old Reader's Digest books. Love to have you stop by my giveaway party too for the GYB event.

  24. Oh my, I've immediately started following your blog - it's sooooo gorgeous!! I'm here via the GYB party, and will be back on a less frantic day - I want to see ALL your blog! And thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment.
    PS I'm signed up for Liberate your art too :)

  25. Hi Vicki! thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a librarian, so have to get over the idea of re-purposing books. Because, lets face it, they can't all be saved, and some that are not worth saving are headed for the trash. I would love to wi your book.

  26. Oh my I want those books. I just started doing alternate books. Each time I find a new shortcut or some method I haven't tried yet. Thank you for visiting my blog. Our winter has been no snow just gray days--very unusual for the northwest....stay warm and enjoy your party.

  27. Wow..what an amazing talent! I used to scrapbook and made photo albums from brown paper bags but your books would be perfect for the altered book craft! I am a Grow Your Blog blog hopper

  28. Oh my....I'm practically speechless! I love it all...thank you to Vicki's GYB for leading me to your blog! Can't wait to check out your archives...and looking forward to new posts. Sara

  29. Love old books, and new books, and good ideas. I will enjoy this blog.

  30. Great re-purposing. I am having fun finding new bloggers to sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  31. I just hosted an altered book event at the library I work at (Rensselaer Public Library)! I think I will host another when the weather is warmer. We have a book sale coming up soon too!

    Thanks for visiting my redwork/ embroidery blog yesterday. My follow button is working now if you would like to stop back...

  32. Hi Vicki...nice to meet you. I love your repurposed books and especially the journals! What a great idea and a nice blog you have. TY for visiting my blog. I have met a lot of nice people this weekend already!

  33. Hi Vicki - thanks for coming by my blog. I love your altered books - a fascinating hobby! Kerrie @Channelbank Creations!

  34. Pleased to meet you Vicki! I'm a watercolor/fiber artist participating in GYB & I look forward to following your posts! I love making books and repurposing books too! Thanks for stopping by my blog - please come back and be a follower too. best to you, deborah

  35. Lovely to meet you Vicki. Your books look so great! You know I love to create books too but of a different sort. You are an inspiration too and I will follow you now!
    I could be lucky enough to win one of your beautiful assembled books.
    Have fun at the party!

  36. thanks for visiting my blog. Love the books you make, they are beautiful

  37. Thanks for visiting my blog, and I am so happy I came over to see you! I too love books, and you triggered some very old memories for me of when I used to turn old books into photo frames..... That must be over 20 yrs ago! I love what you are doing with these old books and I would be thrilled to be in the draw for such a great gift. I look forward to following yo
    Hugs sharm

  38. Hi,
    Nice too meet you and thanks for commenting on my blog.
    I love reading and I think your skills with books are very interesting. There's nothing better than a personalised book!


  39. Hi Hula-la
    Good to meet you - I love old books too!

  40. I love that you recycle old books. The journals are a fantastic idea. And that box of books was obviously waiting just for you. Have fun! Tammy

  41. Oooh, yes please! It's lovely! I need a journal to put more quilty ideas in... :-)

  42. I am a happy new follower via gfc!
    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  43. Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Judy in Colorado

  44. Very nice rescues and re-use. I could use a new blank creative space book. I can be contacted'll be visiting often.

  45. Hi from the GYB hop! I would be thrilled to have one of your journals. Stop by

  46. Your journals are great, beautiful. Way to rescue and breathe new life.

  47. Hi Vicki! Thank you so much again for stopping by my blog. Your altered books are awesome! This is the next project I want to try altered book journal. :) I will definitely be following you. Have a great night!

  48. How fun this is going to everyone's blogs and I have especially glad I found you since I love journaling as well as book making. Not really done much but would like to learn more.I'll be back to your blog and I am your newest member. Would love to win your give -away!

  49. Hello Hul-la, Still trying to visit people in the GYB party event. Love your site. I've rescued many books to alter but my daughter confiscates them. She can't bear to see many books taken apart. (Ah but she starts college in the fall and I can swipe some back.) Your books look really great! I will return. Thanks for stopping by. I should be posting more on the snow dye Thursday or Friday

    1. PS - enjoyed your daughter's recital!

  50. Hello Vicki
    It's lovely to meet you!
    You are so creative with your rescued books.
    Books are one of our most precious resources and I can't bare to see them dumped and unloved.
    A couple of years ago I did a two hour 'Altered Book' workshop - you've inspired me to ask my library when they will have their next sale - usually you can get them for $1 each!

    Thank you for hosting your lovely giveaway!
    I'm glad you left a comment on my blog too!

  51. One of my favorite things to do is make books. I have not had the time or space to make any in a long time. Now that I have a dedicated space, I hope to be as prolific as you.

    I would love to win your giveaway.

  52. Hi I'm visiting from the grow your blog event. I love that you repurpose old books. Seeing them be thrown away is so sad. Thank you for signing up for the blog event, I'm glad I found your blog.

  53. I'm savoring the GYB party by prolonging it, so I'm just making my way here today. Thanks for stopping by by blog to say hello. I'm delighted to find your creative corner of the blogsphere. You're a woman after my own heart - oh the books, oh the journals, oh the delicious altering and creating! Hope you're enjoying some cozy winter time working on transforming that awesome haul of book. Those covers are certainly swoon-worthy gems aren't they?

    1. Oh this party is just gettin' started! I'm making my way from top to bottom! ALL OF THEM!

  54. Hi Vicki! Thanks for leaving the bread crumb trail when you popped over at my blog during this GYB party II so I could find you! I am just tickled pink to find another book addict! I went so far as to get a graduate degree in library science... how sad is that? LOL!!! I love your altered books, they are fabulous. What a mother load with those old Reader's Digests... I am green pea envious! :D I am now following you and am looking forward to lots of bookish project posts in the future! :D Great to meet you... Would love to have a chance at winning one of your books!!!
    Beth P
    email: elizabethstudio54@gmail[dot]com

  55. Good luck to you and your endeavours.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  56. Thank you for stopping by to visit I hope you come back again!

  57. Hello Vicki thanks for visiting my blog, nice to meet you! What beautiful journals you make I have not tried that yet! I needlefelt little bears and seals penguins and once a walrus among other things, I must make an owl too could be fun!

  58. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I just love your re-purposed books!

  59. Im a book addict myself nice to meet you.

  60. Nice journals, I like the personal touch added to each one.

  61. wow how amazing are these! And so my love affair with old books continues...thanks for the giveaway too! I'd like to enter, my name is Jenn and you can contact me through my blog at Cheers!

  62. Hello! So good to see you again! Love the great find and can't wait to see the end products! XO

  63. Hey Vicki, What a fabulous concept for a blog. I love love love books, reading, altering, or just sitting them on the shelf. Your creations are fabulous! It has been nice getting to know you.


  64. What a creative way to use those old books! The journals look great.

  65. Hi Vicki--thanks for visiting me via the GYB party! Yes, please enter me in your giveaway and contact me at Your post makes me smile because I just substituted for an art teacher and as I was leaving at the end of the day, I noticed several box of encyclopedias and other reference books destined for the trash. They let me take whatever I wanted and I've been going through them for end-papers, frameables, and anything to use in altered art projects. I also just bought a box of ancient book covers with real marbleized paper covers--they're gorgeous and you gave me some good ideas. Never thought there was anything good about condensed books--you've opened my eyes :0 Blessings, Diana.

  66. Hi VIcki, love your journals, very creative! Thanks for stopping by knitalatte via the gyb party and leaving a comment on the mitts so I could stop by and see what you've been up to...

  67. Love your recycling and the winter pics - it's 45C here today so dreaming of somewhere cool. Thanks for visiting me.

  68. I love this GYB event as I am discvering so many creative people doing so many different creative things. Your altered books are a-may-zing! What a wonderful way of giving old books new life!

  69. What a beautiful altered book and a fun giveaway! Thanks for visiting me in Singapore!

  70. I never thought to alter those Reader's Digests. Great idea.

  71. Thanks for visiting my blog Vicki! I love your altered books and journals! In fact I have some books that I have collected for just that purpose! I heart books and have a cupboard full of embellishments and even gesso to revamp them. Neat! I would so love to win your giveway! Nice meeting you too!

  72. Hello Vicki, aka hula~la , my name is Dawn your my one stop on the blog party, Hope that I soon will be friends with all of you cyber neighbors. I just say that 600 plus bloggers that sign up to the Party and I am only up to 91 whew a lot of good read and great giveaways. Thanks for this opportunity to join friends with you and be apart of your giveaway. Can't wait to see more of your great projects in the making. My site

  73. Thank you for visiting Plum Hollow! Wow. You've got quite a talent. What amazing life you give to books!

    Thank you for the opportunity to win the journal. I'm a bloglovin' follower now.

  74. Thanks for visiting my blog , it is nice to come for a visit here as well, I love what you do as I love books and hate to see them destroyed . I have quite a few vintage books that I just have on display because I love the look of them , the spines and covers are gorgeous . Thanks for the chance at your giveaway .

  75. Wow seriously! I am a librarian (well a part-time one) and it used to pain me to see books go into a recycling bin! We are a lot better now with book sales and a company that bulk buy the unwanted ones (I think they are a charity that find them a new home - I hope they are anyhow). But I know how you feel about the digest ones ... we do not have many or even any in libraries but I saved a few discarded ones for art purposes ... never got around to altering them though. Looking forward to seeing how you do it. Enter me for a chance to win your gorgeous save please.


  76. Oh my goodness... I've loved those patterned covers of the RD books since childhood (my mom subscribed for years, and the older ones have the best covers!) Love your blog; love your giveaway!!

  77. Hello, Vicki, nice to meet you :)
    I saw on TV how there in USA is "snowwy" this year!
    In my town it's cold, but without snow...

    Warm wishes from Russia:)

  78. Thanks for stopping by. I love books too and regularly buy the ones the library discards but I have never repurposed them. Eleanor x

  79. hello Nice to meet you! Thank by visited my blog! ...I following now, I'm crazy reader! my email : .

  80. These recycled books are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to own one. Jackie

  81. Wow! I never thought I'd make it to the end to leave a comment!
    I love that you give new life to old books. I love books. I have one I need to see if I can fix....had it almost 20 years! Seeing hour post reminded me of it. Maybe one day.
    Thanks for popping by my place!

  82. Wow! I never thought I'd make it to the end to leave a comment!
    I love that you give new life to old books. I love books. I have one I need to see if I can fix....had it almost 20 years! Seeing hour post reminded me of it. Maybe one day.
    Thanks for popping by my place!

  83. I adore the way you are rescuing and re-purposing these books. Thank you for stopping by my blog and so happy to meet you!

  84. Hello from Wintery Michigan. Your altered books and Journal is absolutely gorgeous. Very Beautiful indeed. You are a very creative lady. I wish you a wonderful weekend. Hugs Judy

  85. Good Day, as I've been hopping around blogland for the GYBP I have seen your little profile and kept wondering when am I going to click on her blog. There are so many blogs that curiosity finally got me so I clicked through your profile picture. I'm delighted that I finally did this. :) I'm the granddaughter of a librarian. I grew up in the library that my grandma was head librarian until she retired. So when I see books being thrown out it tears at my heart. I look forward to following your blog and hopefully get some inspiration for the next time I see a book needing a new home. My bookshelves are overflowing so I need some new ways to give them homes :) Have a splendid day, Toni from Easy Street Ramblings (

  86. Wow, you are so creative! I love how you repurpose books! I am a new follower via GFC.

  87. Returning your visit via GYB. Nice to meet you and discover your interesting blog. Think I will have to return later to have a good read, I´m still going through the GYB list. Lovely, pretty journals.

  88. Hi, I'm Wanda. Thanks for stopping by my blog ( I'm glad to return the visit!

    The best part of GYB, for me, has been discovering the many unique ways bloggers have of expressing their artistry--I've heard of altered books before, but have never seen it as "up close and personal" as you've shared it here. And how nice is it that each of your creations has a history even before it becomes your creation?

  89. Hi, I am so in love with the way you recycle old and discarded books. I really cannot bear to throw a book away. It just seems wrong. You have given me great inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  90. Thank you for visiting with GYB! Love your work, will have to come back, but am determined to get to the end of the list, lol and it's Wednesday and Saturday's coming! Would love to be entered in the giveaway, thank you!

  91. Hi,

    We're working our way through the GYB event list and were so happy to visit your blog. Love how you give beloved old books new life! Now we know what to do with all those broken down books with lovely frontispieces. We'll be back to see what you are up to.

    Kathy and Deb

  92. I love to see what people do with books. I will be watching for your creations. I love SMASH books so this is right up my alley. Nice to meet you!

  93. Greetings from the Pacific Northwest. I enjoyed visiting your blog.

  94. Hi Vickie, it's so amazing what you do with old books.. As a booklover myself, i hate to see old books being trashed out.. Love your creativity and looking forward to see what you more.. Thanks for stopping by my blog.. Hugs:)

  95. omg, your work is beautiful!!!! I love it! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, i am glad you did! I have not quite finished making the rounds yet either, it is a big party!
