Monday, April 22, 2013

Art Journal HOP

A while back I won a bunch of goodies to start an ART JOURNAL SWAP...I called it a HOP, though.
Our first exchange took place, and this is the spread I added to Sandy Rosebud's book.  Everyone knows she is all about pink and lace....several layers of paints, papers, rubber stamps, images, yarn, ribbon, buttons...and doodles...and it is now off to in line, to add her little bit.

When it is all said and done, each of the 10 artists will get their own book back with everyone's art included!  I can hardly wait...I will post my entire book when I get it back.  For more on the ART JOURNAL SWAP/HOP...visit here.Traveling Art Journal


  1. Hi - just popping over to tell you that I am the lucky recipient of your beautiful art postcard (#5). Thank you - I love it!!

  2. This art journal swap looks like a fabulous idea- I'm just popping in too because I've just received one of your beautiful postcards. Thank you, I love it!
