Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What...no snow?

I was looking forward to the great snow of the year...and here in New York STATE, not NYC, we got NOTHING!  Totally bummed out about that because we were prepared!  Everywhere in surrounding states and local towns got tons of snow!  And since there is no snow to shovel, or build a cool snowman with, or snow fort which I love to do, complete with a snowseat with a spot to put your beer down, complete with candles to enjoy at night, I spent some time checking out some new blogs.  And above is what I found at Leonie Wise.

It's a great manifesto for good wholesome living, wouldn't you say?  So, until we get clobbered with snow, which we most assuredly will before winter is over, I will snoop around the internet to find some new blogs to inspire me!  Oh, and I think I will get out a box of crayons and color!

If you know of a good one, remember, "it's nice to share"!  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mini Journals

This tiny little book is one of those gift books that you might receive as a gift...you know the ones about Friendship, Love, Dreams, etc.  Well, I have a ton of them that I have received, collected, snagged from book sales and I transformed them and gave them an adventurous new life, ready to take on photos, love notes, dreams, phone numbers...just sayin', you never know!
from this...
to this...with a little homemade pad for secrets
a leaf skeleton and 4 leaf clover...tags to write your dreams
a pocketful of wishes...
There's so much more to this tiny little book.  Lots of space to add photos, journal, save ticket stubs...
Texture from vintage fabric scrap on the cover, to burlap, yarn, lace, feathers...and so much more.  I have not shown you the whole book here.  Surprises inside!  A great little gift that fits inside your purse for that special moment when you want to add a memory or memento.

ALOHA!  Here comes the snow...finally!

Thanks for stopping by!  Will post another book soon.  The creative juices are flowing.