Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Lucy's Book
The Neverending Art Journal Book Hop/Swap continues, as Lucy is the next one to claim her well traveled treasure!  This is her work on the cover.
Her inside book cover.
The inside is covered in vintage lace with sparkling glitter, complete with a pocketful of tags for each of the participants to use.
On this page she adds all the names of the talented chics of the
Arty Tea Party Guild.

My page usually has some RED!
I let some of the text on the page sway me in the direction of Love and Passion!

This is my RED page, because to me passion is RED and flaming hot! And with the text already reading..."Hello, Love...Thanks, Love...Cheerio, Love"...well you can let your imagination run wild with what is going on here!

For the rest of the pages in Lucy's book, pop in over at the ARTY TEA PARTY BLOG
 Lots of fun with those TALENTED CHICS!

Thanks for stopping by!  ALOHA!