Back in April of 2013, my art friends and I began an art journal book swap...hop. The idea was to snag a discarded book from the library book sale, alter the cover, make it your own, then pass it in round-robin fashion to each member. Each person is to add their own art flair and pass it on. Well, since we are a lackadaisical group of talented chics, and some of us still have to work for a living...this book swap hop has taken years to complete.
This is my cover, painted, with fabric square, vintage button, yarn scrap..I left part of the title words ART and BY... |
This inside cover page has a library pocket with library card for each member to sign in when they received the book, and sign out when they pass it on. I also left the original owners name "BETTY HARRIS" in this discarded book, thinking that she would enjoy the ride and artful companionship along the round-robin route.
I left the title page as is...thought it was an appropriate addition to an art journal hop...I am guessing that Betty Harris was an art teacher.
Oh my...this was my page that I totally forgot about since April of 2013. And I plan on re-vamping this baby. What was I thinking? Ha, I even put in a little sticker...HAWAII or bust! And since I went to Honolulu to see the fam in 2014, guess I can cover that up, too! But there is a real dried red zinnia flower from my garden underneath my wooden pineapple. Yeah, this page needs a makeover!
This lovely spread is from a very talented painter, Victoria. I wish I had this talent. Fine details here.
Wow, I guess she was the first one to have it...way back in 2013!!! | | |
Next up is Alicia's 2 page spread. She always has something to do with her endless supply of sheet music. And how fitting it is that my ukulele club has just added this little ditty to our repertoire. Thank you, Alicia for joining our red, red, round-robin.
This spread is from Andrea with lots of fabric and lace, and wonderful textures. And oh, those wonderful pineapples...Love this! And hey, I spy those rooster postage stamps!!!
Thank you Andrea for all of your fiber goodness!
Lucy was going for LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Lovely, Lucy! Love is all there is!
Now Victorian "Rosebud" Sandy, always puts a flourish on her work.
Paints, and stamps, and of course ribbon and lace.
Next up is Judie, who just happens to have beach sand and shells hanging around to add to her work.
With a lovely mirror to capture the sunshine...she wonders where I am in this landscape.
Ha...I'm off to gather beach glass...or drinking a cocktail with an umbrella somewhere!
And check out the stained glass ukulele that Judie added to her page...
dangling along the bottom edge with all the other bead, button, bauble additions! Love this!
And our Kitty Kat has that ALOHA SPIRIT going on here...
and I spy those ALOHA postage stamps! Oh, I'm there!
Now I wish you could smell these pages from Dear Nina of
Happy Herbs Soap.
With a backdrop of large dried tobacco leaves, to the edgework of dried patchouli leaves, she made a rope heart filled with dried lavender buds. After all these years, it still smells AB FAB!
At Two Crow Cottage...
Thanks to all for adding to my book...I will be re-doing my own page though.
And I have a couple blanks so that I can continue the art journaling...trying out a few new techniques that I learned from
Mixed Media Jenn and
Dee Dee Catron