1. I wish I had finished all of the indoor projects, because the great outdoors is screaming my name!!! And I live in the sticks, man! So much to see, hear, smell, do in the great outdoors. No signs of massive humanity (unless I turn on the news, which I rarely do anymore) to distract me from enjoying the simple abundance that surrounds me in the big woods.
2. So, I will take this day to forget all about the unfinished projects. I'm heading out and about!
3. I had a nice surprise on my desk this Saturday morning when I forgot I ordered Gertrude Hawk Almond Butter Crunch from a young friend for their church fundraiser.
4. My dog is goofy. Yellow lab. Beautiful. And just plain goofy. What a gem!
5. I mixed a new batch of incense at Two Crow Cottage last week. Should be dry enough to burn today. I can hardly wait to try it!
Been awhile since I partied with Nancy for Random Five Friday...even though it's Saturday...here you go! I missed the link up, but you can still visit the others here.