Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Inspiration

Have been missing in bloggin' action lately.  Not sure why, or where I've been, but I know that I must return to my artistic side, and writing here.  College graduations, recitals, all beautiful events that make me happy and busy at the same time.  So, as a member of Roses On My Table, it was just what I needed to find inspiration in the Kindred Sprits Project for Betty.  Here are my pages for Betty's Book...

This is part of collaborative book by the members.  This is the front of my page.

And below, is the flipside.  As it turns out, so many participants in the project will make not only 1 book for Betty, but 3 books.
All unique, beautiful and full of get well wishes for our artistic friend.

Check out all the other pages, and other projects on Roses.  It's truly inspirational.

I am looking for inner peace and inspiration to continue on my artistic journey.  If you have any ideas or tips to help me along, please do share. I need a creative kick... Thank you!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Well, Spring has Sprung...and so much is going on!  Oldest daughter graduated from college...and I am desperately trying to get back to some form of art.  I need "ME TIME"...

Perhaps I will get out my copy of "Artistic Mother" for some inspiration.  And I can hardly wait to go to the next "Arty Tea Party" at my dear friend, Andrea's.

Yes, Spring has Sprung!!!
